Village Chiropractic Blog

How Can Chiropractic Care Strengthen the Nervous System?

Written by Andy Thomas | December 1, 2020

You never hear someone say, "Hey, I think a doctor needs to look at my nervous system." Most people don't consider their nervous system when something's wrong with their health or if they feel some kind of pain. But this one bodily system plays a role in many basic physical functions. So it has a big part to play in your overall health. Have you ever had tingling in your hands? Nagging headaches or radiating pains down your legs? Your nervous system may be to blame.

Chiropractic care is thought of as something to help with the spine or bones and joints. Yet, this form of unique care may also help make your nervous system strong. How is that possible? Here's a look at how chiropractic care may have something to do with a healthy nervous system.

The Nervous System Explained in Simple Terms

The nervous system can be broken down into simple parts. It is made up of nerves, the brain, and the spine. The nervous system interacts with all other parts of the body. For example, your nervous system keeps your heart beating and makes walking possible. With no nervous system sending signals, most parts of the body would not know what to do. Even everyday movements would be hard to manage.

In some ways, the nervous system is like your body's wiring. The series of nerves send signals back and forth to organs and body parts to keep you operating. Slight changes in the nerve signals can lead to many health problems, problems with flexibility, and more.

3 Main Benefits of Chiropractic Care for the Nervous System

When slight issues block nerve pathways from the spine, you may not know it at first. Yet, as time goes by, health problems can show up in many parts of the body. Many people seek a chiropractor for aches and pains, but the doctor can also help strengthen the nervous system. Here is a look at three main benefits of chiropractic care that can support a stronger nervous system.

1. Realign the Spine

The spine can fall out of line for many reasons. While strong, this part of the body also takes a lot of stress with everyday life. Prolonged sitting, standing for long hours in one spot, and lifting can all cause misalignment. You may feel pain or see changes in your range of motion when the spine is not aligned. For example, it may be harder for you to bend over, squat down, or turn your head from side to side.

Spinal adjustments involve using gentle moves to return bones in the spine to alignment. Research shows that these adjustments may affect the nervous system in a good way. The spine and spinal cord are filled with neurons that affect the nerves. When the spine is not aligned, the flow of those neurons to your nervous system may not take place. Adjustments with the chiropractor open up pathways in the nervous system. Your range in motion may be restored and nerves continue to communicate as they should. You may see that it becomes easier to do things like tying your shoes or looking over your shoulder, for instance.

2. Relieve Inflammation in the Nerves

Do you know how it feels when something keeps nagging at you? You get more frustrated and bothered until the stress becomes overwhelming and you react. Nerves can get irritated just like you do with undue stress, and they react with inflammation. When nerves are inflamed, you may feel:

  • Local or radiating pain
  • Numbness in parts of the body
  • Tingling or burning

Inflamed nerves are the root cause of many health conditions, including things like sciatica and neuropathy. The root cause of inflamed nerves can often be related to misalignment in the spine. For example, sciatica can come from pressure on nerves caused by the spine. When nerves are inflamed and you're treated by a chiropractor, you may even start to see an improvement in how you're feeling right away. It usually takes several treatment sessions for lasting effects.

3. Restore Nerve Function

Nerves can get pinched or compressed when the spine is out of line. Pinched nerves in the spine can cause a list of issues. You may feel pain in another part of your body or feel like part of your body keeps falling asleep. Numbness in any part of the body can be scary. For example, a pinched nerve in your upper spine may leave your hands feeling numb. Or, a pinched nerve in your lower spine may mean numbness in your legs or feet.

Chiropractors may use traction therapy and gentle adjustments to relieve stress on a pinched nerve. These treatments are performed slowly and usually involve careful exams first to locate the pinched nerve. When a chiropractor performs a treatment, the function of the pinched nerve is often restored. You may regain feeling in an area of your body that has been numb for a while, such as your hand, leg, or foot.

The Benefits of a Healthy Nervous System

Taking care of your nervous system can benefit your whole body and your mind. This system plays a part in metabolism, sleep, and even sexual functions. When your nervous system is healthy, you may see:

  • Better balance and coordination
  • Better blood pressure levels
  • Increased blood flow
  • Easier thinking and reasoning
  • Freer movements

The body is made up of several systems, but the nervous system must be healthy for the others to perform as they should. For example, your immune system may not work well if something is wrong in your nervous system. You may never decide to see a doctor because your nervous system is causing problems, but being mindful of the system during care is good for your overall well-being just the same.

Keep Your Nervous System Balanced with Chiropractic Care

The nervous system serves so many purposes. Making sure everything is on the up and up is important. Whether you deal with neural pain, poor balance, or something else, it may be time to look at your options. Chiropractic care may help balance and support your nervous system. With a balanced nervous system, you may see drastic improvements in your health. at Village Chiropractic in The Woodlands.