Village Chiropractic Blog

Eight Ways Chiropractic Care Benefits Your Overall Health

Written by Andy Thomas | October 7, 2020

Prevention and whole-body healing: these are the principles behind chiropractic care. While most people also need traditional physicians for treatment of various conditions and for some preventive care such as mammograms and prostate cancer screening, a regular treatment program from a chiropractor offers benefits that can also help prevent future health issues. 

Here are eight benefits of chiropractic care:

  1. Treats the Cause of the Pain
  2. Non-invasive treatment
  3. Reduced Medication use
  4. Improves Joint and Muscle Function
  5. Improves Circulation
  6. Reduces Stress
  7. Boosts Immune Function
  8. Improves Sleep

1. Chiropractic Care Treats the Root Cause of Pain

Much of a physician’s time is spent assessing and treating medical conditions. A lot of these are brought on by a cause that could have been addressed before it turned into a more painful problem. You know your body. When something isn’t feeling quite right, whether it’s tingling in your fingers, a pain in your knee, or some other issue that you feel isn’t normal, a chiropractor will assess your pain and look for the reason for the problem. Many times, treatment at an earlier point in the condition will avoid future trips to the physician or surgeon. 

2. Non-Invasive Chiropractic Treatments

While surgery is needed to treat some types of pain, it does require a while to recover and can be expensive. Chiropractic care is non-invasive, meaning they don’t need to go inside your body for treatment.  Chiropractic techniques that can offer a lot more benefit if started earlier include adjustments, electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), cold laser therapy, and massage therapy. This might also be combined with at home stretches and a proper nutrition plan to help promote healing.

3. Reduced Medication Use

As with surgery, medication has its place, but many people are concerned about long-term use. Even over the counter medication use over long periods can be a concern, especially if your body reacts to it. And prescription pain medicines are known to be addictive if used to treat pain for longer periods of time.  By bringing chiropractic care into your healthcare regimen, you may find that you need less medication to treat pain and even other conditions over time. Never stop a prescription medication without talking to your doctor and your chiropractor first. But you can create a plan that might be able to reduce or eliminate the need for some medicines.

4. Improves Joint and Muscle Function

Being able to move around without pain is key to the quality of your life. As we age, or after an injury, you may notice that joints and muscles are stiff and maybe even painful to walk, run or stand. Chiropractic care can help, especially when started sooner rather than later, to get your joints moving more freely than before. And when it’s easier to move your joints, your muscles will feel better too.


5. Chiropractic Care Improves Circulation

Spinal adjustments, cold laser therapy and even massage therapy are used for various types of pain treatments as well as preventive care. One of the main reasons is because they help restore optimal blood flow to the area. With good circulation throughout the body, and at the site of an injury, your’re able to heal quicker. And you’ll feel better overall, even feeling more clear-headed. Regular chiropractic care for better circulation can improve everything from digestion to memory, learning, creativity, and other cognitive skills.

6. Reduces Stress

A lot of people think they need to get a massage if they’re feeling stressed. There’s a lot of truth to that. But what about the massage helps you feel better? During a massage therapy session with a chiropractor you’re able to focus on letting go of the stresses of the day, week or, let’s be honest, of 2020. And while you’re doing that the massage therapist is able to help your muscles relax, which can reduce headaches and muscle pain. Be sure to mention if something in particular is hurting so they can pay attention to that area during your massage. Breathe deeply and drink lots of water afterwards to flush out toxins that were trapped in your tight muscles.

7. Boost Your Immune Function With Chiropractic Care

Better blood flow, more relaxed muscles and a better mental outlook all play a role in your immunity. By regularly taking care of yourself and seeing a chiropractor you'll be better equipped to fight off bacterial and viral infections, giving you more time to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Learn more about ways to boost your immune system.

8. Improve Your Sleep

No, we don’t mean sleeping while at the chiropractors! But you can sleep sounder at night with regular chiropractic care. A well-adjusted body is better able to fall into deep, restful sleep. With fewer aching body parts, you’re more likely to find a comfortable position quicker. That means less time spent tossing and turning, and more time spent in the healing phases of sleep.


Remember, chiropractic care is not just for back pain. In fact you might see the most benefit of chiropractic care if you go before you have pain!  But certainly, if you start having pain we can help you too. Just don’t wait until the pain is unbearable. Whether you see a chiropractor or another healthcare professional, waiting too long can cause more internal damage to your muscles or joints and will take longer for treatments to work. 

in The Woodlands today to schedule an appointment for a consultation with our chiropractors.