Village Chiropractic Blog

8 Things That Can Be Treated by a Chiropractor

Written by Andy Thomas | April 29, 2022

When people think of chiropractors, the first thing that often comes to mind is back adjustments or neck cracking. Many folks don’t realize that chiropractors can treat pain in the back, neck, hips, shoulders and knees. And even more than that, they can help prevent pain from starting in areas of the body that you work hard from your day to day activities.

Let’s take a look at a few things that you probably knew chiropractors treat, and also a few things that may surprise you that they’re within their expertise. All of these things are everyday issues that millions of Americans deal with. If you’re struggling with any of the following problems, be sure to request an appointment at Village Chiropractic in the Woodlands. 

Lower Back Pain 

Chiropractors are spine experts, so lower back pain falls into one of their areas of expertise. Low back pain is caused by many different things, including ruptured discs, injuries, pulled muscles and arthritis in the spinal joints. However, no matter what your lower back pain stems from, chiropractors can help you find relief and help you get back to everyday life as quickly as possible. 

Treatment for low back pain includes manual manipulations, cold laser therapy, spinal decompression, stretches and massage therapy

Neck Pain 

Neck pain is similar to low back pain in that so many different things can cause it. Something as small as sitting the wrong way or falling asleep with your head turned sideways can cause you to wake up with excruciating neck pain. To combat this, chiropractors use neck adjustments and help ease the tension causing your neck pain. Combining adjustments with a series of stretches and exercises, a skilled chiropractor can relieve your neck pain in no time. 

Repeated Tension Headaches

Chiropractors have an intimate knowledge of the human body and how it’s connected, which means that they understand how the spine is tied to different types of headaches. A strained neck is often the cause of a headache, and you might experience both neck and head pain simultaneously. Stress and bad posture are often related to tension headaches, while can cause migraine headaches. The chiropractor can give you tips for reducing stress held in your neck and shoulders ot help reduce tension headaches.

If you have migraines, there may be another cause that the chiropractor would treat differently. Studies show that spinal manipulation can be a good way to relieve migraine headaches. 

Sacroiliac Joint Pain 

If you’ve never heard of sacroiliac pain, don’t worry because many people haven’t. The SI joint is located at the bottom of your spine. Many people who struggle with sacroiliac pain don’t realize what it’s called or causing it. However, when you experience sacroiliac pain, it usually occurs at the top and back of your thigh or in your buttock. 

A chiropractor can quickly discern if the pain in these areas is sacroiliac pain and treat you accordingly. Treatment usually involves adjustments, stretches, and exercises, both with the chiropractor and at home on your own. 

Shoulder Pain 

So far, we’ve looked at conditions and pains that most people knew their local chiropractor dealt with. However, most people don’t realize that shoulder pain is well within the abilities of a skilled chiropractor. 

If you’re experiencing pain and stiffness in your shoulder, commonly known as frozen shoulder, a chiropractor can help. While they might not completely cure the problem, chiropractors have exercises and manipulations that can ease the pain and tension in your shoulder. Your chiropractic treatment plan will also give you the ability to have more movement and mobility in your shoulder. 

Knee Pain 

Another common ailment that millions of people deal with and don’t realize a chiropractor can help them with is knee pain. Unless you’ve suffered a traumatic injury such as a torn ACL or meniscus, wear and tear is the most common cause of knee pain. The older you get, the more likely your knee pain will turn to osteoarthritis or arthritis. Either way, you could be in a lot of pain and restricted in your movements and abilities.

Chiropractors use their knowledge of the human body to treat knee pain with a series of back adjustments and exercises in conjunction with knee adjustments and exercises. This combination of treating both the back and the knee can result in less pain and more mobility. After a few weeks of chiropractic treatment, you could be shocked at your improvement and healing! 


Whiplash is a neck pain usually caused by coming to a sudden stop. Car accidents are the most common cause of whiplash, but collisions in football or basketball can also cause whiplash as well as a fall. If you’ve ever had it, you know it’s nearly impossible to turn your head when you have whiplash. Chiropractic care can help ease the pain in your neck and restore movement using spinal manipulation, electric muscle stimulation and cold laser therapy. If you notice dizziness, memory problems or extreme headaches after an accident that caused whiplash it’s important to see your doctor to be sure you don’t have a brain injury.

Plantar Fasciitis

Did you know a chiropractor can help treat pain in your feet?! Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the soft tissue on the bottom of your foot that connects the heel to the toes. It causes a lot of pain near the heel especially when you first get up in the morning or after standing or walking for a while. So how could a chiropractor treat it?  

The nerves in your lower back send pain signals to the bottom of the feet. By using spinal manipulation on the lower back to realign the spine. and the signals it sends to the tissue in your feet, the pain of plantar fasciitis can be relieved. You might also need to check the quality and support of your shoes. Worn out shoes for those who walk or run a lot can have a big impact on how your feet, knees and spine feel. 

Contact Village Chiropractic for Help With Pain Just About Anywhere 

If you’re in need of chiropractic treatment for any of these conditions and symptoms, reach out to us at Village Chiropractic in The Woodlands. If you don’t have these pains yet, but would like to avoid them, we can also help! 

Let us know how you’re feeling and your goals so that we can help you get there!
Schedule your next appointment with us today.