8 Good Habits That Can Prevent Back Pain
4 min read

So many back injuries are caused by people doing things in their normal, every day routine. When we’re younger we can get away with improper lifting technique, poor posture, and twisting and bending repeatedly putting strain on our backs. But, with age comes weakened muscles, tendons and even spinal joints, and that can eventually lead to back pain.
Especially with the shift to working from home, many people find that long hours at their desk without good posture, or even working from the couch for a day or two, puts your body in a position that starts to make your back hurt. Fortunately, there are several factors and simple strategies that you can use to help reduce the chances of experiencing back pain. Let’s take a look at some things you can do to prevent back pain.
Habit #1: Exercise Regularly to Prevent Back Pain
Exercise can help reduce back pain in a few ways:
- Exercises stretches and strengthens your muscles – in your back and other areas that support your back. Try to work in core exercise 1-2 times per week to keep this area strong.
- When your body is in shape, you're likely to recover faster from an injury.
- One of the natural results of exercise can be weight loss. With less weight on your bones and muscles, your back will feel better.
Habit #2: Pay Attention to Your Posture
Over time poor posture can increase your risk of injury as well as neck and back pain. Here are some things you should pay attention to:
- Investing in an ergonomic chair and adjusting it to help you support your back while sitting is really helpful. Some of the key considerations when finding a chair that works for you are to make sure that you have proper lumbar (lower back) support, and your feet can rest on the floor while your head is at a height that doesn’t make you look up or down. This may mean you need to be sure your computer screen is pretty close to eye level as well. Put something under it if you need to so that you’re not bending your neck down or looking up all day.
- If you’re working from home, but not at a desk, don’t let a whole day go by sitting on the couch with your laptop on your lap. That’s going to cause you to hunch over and your back won’t be fully supported. Stand up sometimes or find a table and chair that can give you some back support.
- Finally, when you are standing or walking, be sure to stand upright with weight distributed evenly on your feet. Hold your head up without straining backward.
If you have questions about your posture, be sure to ask your chiropractor to help you achieve proper body positioning.
Habit #3: Get Enough Sleep
Experts often recommend sleeping on your side with your knees pulled slightly towards the chest. Talk to your chiropractor about the best sleeping positions to prevent back pain. If you choose to sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees or lower back. The pillows lower the stress on your spine. Choose a comfortable mattress that can support your back and provide better sleep through the night. A good night’s sleep will help your body repair from any injuries you may have and can help reduce back pain.
Habit #4: Quit Smoking
Smoking puts you into the high-risk zone for several conditions including heart diseases and cancer. Surprisingly, smokers are also at a higher risk of back pain too. Smoking can be linked to back pain for the following reasons.
- Tobacco prevents enough oxygen supply to your bones and tissues. The lowered blood flow to the discs of the spine can result in lower back pain.
- When combined with high blood cholesterol levels and hypertension, smoking history can cause conditions such as atherosclerosis or lumbar spondylosis.
Some experts believe that smoking leads to slower healing, thus increasing pain sensitivity.
Habit #5: Keep Your Stress Levels Under Control
This is easier said than done, but when you are stressed, your body releases more adrenaline and cortisol. As a result, muscles – including those in your back and neck – tighten. Massage is one way a lot of people find to relieve stress and help their muscles loosen up to relieve, or avoid, back pain. Exercise is another great way to reduce stress.
Habit #6: Pick the Right Shoes
Not all shoes are kind to your back. The right shoes fit well, make you feel comfortable, and support your feet. Some people place hard steps on the ground and send a shock wave right up to their back. Choose shoes with rubber heels or wedge-style shoes to absorb the shock and try not to pound your feet on the pavement to help reduce the impact on your spine. Avoid shoes with over 2 inches of heel height.
If you’re a runner or avid walker, opt for shoes with extra shock absorption and make sure you change them out every 400-500 miles. The insoles of the shoes get smashed over time, which won’t give you the cushion you need. Avoid walking and running on concrete all the time to prevent damage to the back and knees.
Habit #7: Lift Objects Carefully
When you lift or carry a heavy object, move closer to the object and bend your knees as you pick it up. Make use of the leg muscles for support while lifting large objects. Do not twist and maintain the natural curve of your body while handling heavy things. If lifting heavy objects is a part of your job or is a repetitive task in your routine, then make use of lifting devices.
If you feel strain in your lower back while lifting or moving things, take a few moments to rest and stretch.
Habit #8: Setup a Regular Schedule With a Chiropractor
Several studies have proved the positive impact of chiropractic care on back pain. Chiropractic care is non-invasive and drug-free. If you experience any side effects, they are generally mild such as sore muscles as a result of a treatment. But the results of having a properly aligned spine, and addressing any back pain early on, will pay off greatly in how you feel, how you function on the day to day and how well you bounce back if you do get injured.
What If You Already Have Back Pain?
If you already have back pain, there are chiropractic treatments that can be used to help you heal so that you can get back to your regular routine. In the meantime, it’s a good idea to start some of these habits for better health and a stronger back.
Request an appointment at our office in The Woodlands if you’re local to the Spring area for a consultation to help relieve or prevent back pain. You won’t regret it!