10 Tips to Lose Weight and Improve Your Health
5 min read

Maintaining an ideal weight and feeling healthy go hand in hand. For some, this is easier to accomplish than it is for others. It requires discipline to stay healthy, especially in a world filled with delicious treats and the many wonderful restaurants throughout The Woodlands area.
If you’re tired of that “groggy” or lethargic feeling, or if your joints are feeling achy from too much weight, it may be time to focus on living healthier and losing weight. It's worth the effort if you stick with it long enough to reach your goals. Let's dig into 10 tips you can use on your path to feeling better.
1. Fill Up on Fiber
Fiber is an essential nutrient that most people don't get enough of. Eating more fiber can help feel more full so you don’t want to snack as often. Fiber also slows down the digestion of carbohydrates. In turn, this stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents you from feeling like you have an energy crash. Foods that contain fiber include apples, nuts (which also contain fat and protein so eat them in moderation), broccoli, beans, popcorn, berries and avocados.
2. Reduce Sugar in Your Diet
One of the main things you can do to lose weight and improve your health is to cut out added sugar. That means no candy, cookies, cake, or sugary drinks. You might be surprised by how much sugar is in some of your favorite foods. Check the labels and opt for products with low or no added sugar. Many times foods that seem healthy, but are heavily processed, contain a lot of sugar, salt and preservatives. Things like flavored instant oatmeal packets seem like they’d be healthy but actually contain a lot of sugar. Opt for making your own plain oatmeal and adding berries and nuts for flavor. You’ll stay full longer and you’ll get some fiber too!
3. Increase Physical Activity
This isn’t to say you need to join the gym -- although you can if that’s what keeps you motivated! But you do need to be sure you get moving. Work towards 150 minutes a week of exercise that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for at least 30 minutes at a time. When you’re first starting, take a few short walks every day. Try to take the stairs more often. Just do things that make your body work a little harder so you can burn extra calories.
Increasing physical activity is also known to help reduce risk factors for diseases like diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and cancer. It also helps control stress levels, reducing anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
4. Build Muscles With Protein
Protein is the building block of your muscles. You need carbohydrates too, but making sure you fill your stomach with 15-30 grams of protein at each meal will keep you full longer, boost your metabolism as you gain muscle, and help maintain your energy levels. Starting the day with a protein-rich breakfast is one of the best ways to lose weight and improve your health. Some great protein-rich breakfast options include eggs, plain or low-sugar Greek yogurt, smoked salmon, and chia seeds.
5. Reduce Calories from Drinks
When it comes to weight loss, reducing the number of calories you consume is key. And one easy way to do that is by cutting back on sugary drinks. People who drink more sugar-sweetened beverages are more likely to be overweight or obese. This included adding sugar in your coffee or your iced tea.
Add some lemon to your water for some flavor and try to skip the sweetener in your coffee. Even creamers can contain a lot of calories if they’re flavored. If a sweetened beverage is what you crave, choose sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice instead of added sugars.
6. Stay Hydrated
Along the lines of what you drink all day, be sure you include plenty of water. It’s essential for so many body functions from your brain’s ability to function correctly all the way to your kidney’s ability to flush toxins out.
Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily is a good rule of thumb, but you may need more if you’re exercising regularly. Try to avoid a lot of caffeine because this actually causes you to lose more water than you should, leaving you dehydrated and sluggish. As previously mentioned, you should also avoid drinks with high sugar, such as soft drinks and fruit juice.
7. Slow Down While Eating
When you eat too quickly, your brain doesn't have time to register that you're full, leading you to eat more than you need. Slow down by putting your fork down between bites, chewing each bite thoroughly, and making conversation with your dining companions. You'll not only enjoy your meal more, but you'll also be less likely to overeat. It may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference.
8. Reduce Refined Carbs
Cutting down on refined carbs is one of the best things you can do for your health. This means losing the potato chips, white rice and white flour-based products. While we all need some carbs these aren’t the best way to get the nutrients you need. Fewer refined carbs will help you lose weight and can help with cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and energy levels. It's easy to start by swapping white bread and pasta with whole wheat options. There are plenty of healthy alternatives that taste just as good!
9. Monitor the Fats You Eat
We all need some fat in our diets. It’s what keeps our skin soft and our brains working as they should. But it’s easy to get too much fat in our diets, especially if you eat out. If you haven’t already, cut out all fast food. Burgers and fries are loaded with fat, carbs and preservatives. If you’ve already done that, try to focus on eating leaner cuts of meat such as chicken and eating fish 1-2 times per week rather than a diet filled with red meats. Many restaurants include the fat content on their menus. Try to aim for lower fat menu items whenever possible. And watch the salad dressings. Don’t ruin the benefits of a great salad by drowning it in high-fat dressing.
10. Eat Your Vegetables
We know, we sound like your mom. But it’s true. You need to eat your veggies. They’re low in calories and fat but high in fiber and nutrients. They’re not all equal in nutritional value though. Cruciferous veggies are best for fiber and have a lot of the nutrients our bodies need every day. This includes broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower (which seems to be easier to incorporate into meals lately). They also take longer to digest, so you'll feel full longer after eating them.
Chiropractic Care as Part of Your Lifestyle Improvements
As you start to exercise more you may benefit from a chiropractor’s help with keeping your joints aligned. A chiropractor can help you feel good, especially as sore muscles or joints start to develop from working out. We can also help guide you on other lifestyle improvements that you can make to help you lose weight and feel better.
Let's get started on the path toward a healthier you by requesting an appointment at our Alden Bridge location in The Woodlands.